We gladly accept tax-deductible donations. iCAN Junior Triathlon Club is a 501(c)(3) community based organization.
We use PayPal to accept donations. Click the button below to donate to iCAN Junior Triathlon Club. You may also send us your donation by check to the following address. iCAN Junior Triathlon Club, 8839 North Cedar Avenue, PMB 41, Fresno, CA 93720.
Continue reading to see where your kind donations can be applied.
General Donations
These donations may be used for general operating expenses to manage iCAN Junior Triathlon Club’s ongoing effort to reach the youth in our community.
Athletic Program Donations
Funding provides coaching, equipment and supplies necessary to operate iCAN Junior Triathlon Club’s Athletic Programs including our Triathlon Team, Swimming, Cycling, and Running Programs. Each program has specific coaching and equipment needs such as bikes, helmets, swim equipment, running shoes, and other accessories.
Community Outreach Donations
We are a Community Benefit Organization and our focus is serving youth in our Community. We have an ever increasing need to bring our programs to under-served youth in the Fresno County. By teaching fundamental life principles through the sport of Triathlon, we can offer young people life changing experiences.
We are actively working with other community based organizations so young people have the opportunity to participate in a new sport, learn fundamental life principles, and embrace an “I CAN” attitude. Please partner with us by making a financial donation specific to our cause.
Scholarship Donations
The Scholarship program provides under-served, at risk youth an opportunity to participate in the Club and it’s Athletic and Academic Programs. Funds are used for Club Membership fees, Triathlon Team Session fees, Swimming, Cycling, and Running Program fees. As a member of the Club, they may also participate in our Academic Programs including the Youth Advisory Committee, Leadership Training Program, Junior Coaching Program and Nutrition Program. We want to be inclusive and not exclusive!